Thursday, May 18, 2006

I love the Spring!

Tummy time isn't so bad on a warm spring day at the park. I had so much fun in the sun with my aunt Mandy and auntie Hea.

I usually like to smile for pictures, but when I am teething I like to chew on my finger.

Look at how cute I am in my red t-shirt. My aunt Mandy loves me in red. She picked out my outfit for another photo shoot.

It is a good thing I love the camera. I have a feeling these photo shoots are going to become a routine thing. I don't mind. When you are this cute, it is only fair to give your fans what they want.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Time for some Swim Lessons!

I love to splash in the water with mommy and daddy. I am so happy they signed us up for swim lessons!

Look at me go! I think I could do it on my own, but mommy is nervous to let me go.

The water snuck up on me, but I don't mind....

OK...maybe I don't like going under the water. I'll keep my head above the water for now.