Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Visit with Grandma and Grandpa Ebert

Grandma and Grandpa Ebert came all the way from Wisconsin to visit me. I had so much fun seeing them. I love to read books before I go to bed. It calms me down from my exciting day!

I wish Grandma and Grandpa could visit more often. We had such a good time playing. Maybe next time I can go see them at their house!!

I love getting kisses from Grandma! Since I don't get to see her much, I was on my best behavior while they were here.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Those Darn Baby Teeth!!

I have heard my public wants new pictures on my blog. Do you see these rosy cheeks and runny nose? I'm not making this stuff up. But I'm still cute with those dimples...

When my new teeth are trying to break through, nothing beats a bottle and a snuggle with my aunt Mandy!

I love to read with my aunt Mandy. This is one of my favorite books! My aunt Mandy does such a good job with the noises of the animals in my books. She can really get me laughing!

OH MY GOSH!!! I didn't know that happened to the duckling!!!!

Did someone say something about the park? I don't understand why nobody is standing up. I brought everybody their shoes...
somebody...please? anybody? hello? I'm ready to go...