Thursday, September 21, 2006

Getting Cuter Every Day!!!

I am learning how to ham it up for the camera. Auntie Hea always seems to have that thing attached to her face, so I gave her a good show today.

Aren't I a cutie? My dimples will make it easy in the future to have people wrapped around my finger. They seem to work on my mom and dad. And my aunt Mandy always tries to suck them off my face. Now I know her weakness!!

I love you THIS MUCH!!!!!

Here I am posing with my Leap Frog Activity Table again. My dad says I get these squinty eyes from my mom's side. They call them "Boge eyes".

Monday, September 4, 2006

Ready to Run...

I'm not even a year old and I am already walking around. I can do it on my own, but mom gets nervous. Little does she know that I will be running around the house soon. I plan on keeping them very busy!

My aunt Mandy thinks I am so cool. I don't know why she tries to embarrass me by dressing me up.

I am going to be a wiz on the computer just like my dad. I love Tuesdays and Thursdays when I get to "work" with my daddy.

My aunt Kattie gave me this cool Leap Frog activity table for Christmas. I don't get to see her that much because she lives in Africa. I hope she moves to Portland when she is finished teaching over there. I miss her!

I love talking on the phone. Sometimes I just press random numbers and talk to whoever answers. I really like the speakerphone. My aunt Mandy lets me play with her phone because she says it is "rugged". I don't know what that means, but I like to play with it anyway!!!