Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just another manic Monday...

Aunt Mandy and auntie Hea bought me
these neat haulin' trucks. I like to haul
all kinds of things...spoons, blocks,
momma's keys...

I'm getting better at feeding myself, I'm so glad my mom and dad keep letting me practice...I'm gonna need alot of practice!

I love bananas!!

I don't know if you can see it very well, but some of my food ends up in my hair...I'm not sure how it gets there though, I think momma puts it there when I'm not paying attention.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A Ride on the Carousel

Aunt Mandy and Auntie Hea took me to the Carousel at Jantzen Beach to ride around and around. I wasn't too sure about it, but Aunt Mandy seemed to enjoy it. I was too interested in everything else around me. I love to people watch!!!

Safety First!!! My aunties are so careful when they take me out to play. They made me put on a seatbelt, even though the horse never really moved. I didn't have the heart to tell them that we were just moving around in a circle, but my horse NEVER MOVED!!!

After awhile, I got the hang of it and it was really fun. I love spending time with my aunties. I don't care what we do. After the ride, they let me walk around the mall and do more people watching. I love to walk around and talk to all the people that are there just to see ME!!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Feeding Myself

My mom is letting me work on feeding myself like a Big Boy! This stuff is easy. I love all the home-made treats my mom makes for me.

Wait! I can do it myself. Just give me some time...

What? Do you think you could do any better?

I did such a good job! I think I got most of it in my mouth. Well...maybe a little on my shirt...and some on my chin...perhaps some ended up in my hair. I am such a big boy!!