Saturday, March 17, 2007

Gotta Love Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Pudding!!

I love to help mom in the kitchen when she is making my homemade pudding! This is one of my favorites...Pumpkin Pudding!! I love to lick the spatula. Maybe a little more cinnamon mom!

Now it is on to lunch! My aunt Mandy took my shirt off to save on the mess. Unfortunately I am one of the whitest kids in the world! Good thing my girlfriends from daycare aren't around. But this peanut butter sandwich sure is good.

I don't know why they ruin a perfectly good meal by making me take a bath! I wish Aunt Mandy and Auntie Hea were here still so I could give them a big KISS!!

I love bath-time with Mom and Dad. We have so much fun getting me clean. They always make me laugh.

Back to a clean slate to get dirty again tomorrow! Don't worry...I won't have a problem recreating my masterpiece.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Workin' and Playin' with Dad!!

You want me to do what!? I'm outta here! Dad...I don't think I can lift that shovel. I'm only 16 months old!

This is my kind of work. I love going for rides in the wheelbarrow. I think I slowed down mom and dad's day of yard-work, but we all had fun in the end.

After a day of work, there should always be a little bit of time for play! I can't wait to go golfing with dad when I am a little bigger. But for now, I will work on my grip in the house...

I am getting so good, I can swing the golf club with just one hand. Let me out on that golf course!! However sometimes I get a little wild and Cayenne runs for cover.

What is left after a good day of work and a little bit of play?? Snugglin' with Dad!! I am exhausted. Just need a little sleep and then we can start all over again tomorrow!!