Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dancin' at the Zoo!!

Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Auntie Mandy and Aunt Hea all took me to a concert at the Zoo. It was so much fun to be free to dance and sing on the lawn.

I have one word for you....M-O-R-E!!!! Why did they stop singing?? Get back on the stage....please!!!

Yeah! These people are great! Get up auntie Mandy...come over here and dance with me.

Although my Auntie Mandy says I shouldn't be able to jump with both feet off the ground at my age....I love to do it all the time! Especially when I have full roam of the grass. Everybody....out of my way!!!

When I am not jumping around, I love to cut a rug. I get my moves from my dad. This music is so great! I love concerts at the Zoo. I hope we get to come back soon.

Five little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed...One fell Off and Bumped His Head!!! This is one of my favorite songs to sing with ma-ma and da-da. How do all of these people know that song too? I thought ma-ma made it up herself!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Own "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Mommy and my aunties took me to the park for some fun before my nap. I think they were trying to tire me out, but I did a better job tiring them out first!

Up the stairs and down the slide...over and over again! I could do this all day if they would let me. I love the way the static in the slide makes my hair stand straight up. It shows how far I have come with growing a full head of hair!!!

To precious for words! That is what my mommy says. I stop for a pose for Auntie Hea peaking out a port hole in the Pirates Ship.

Aunt Mandy decides to join the fun and pose for a picture too. Aren't we a cute pair?

While playing around on the front of my "ship", I pose for another picture. The camera loves me!! My paparazzi follow me everywhere, but I don't mind.

They started me out on the "baby" swing, but by the end, I talked them into the Big-Boy swing! I can do it all by myself. I just need a little push...but not too big!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oh where oh where did my sippy-cup go?

My Aunt Mandy forgot to bring a sippy-cup for our afternoon together. So...they put some juice in Auntie Hea's elephant water bottle. It is a good thing I have muscles..that thing was HEAVY!!

AAAHHH!!! I'm just hamming it up for the camera. Have I mentioned how many people I have wrapped around my little finger??

My aunties have so many pictures of babies on the refrigerator. I love to give the babies kisses. That is a picture of my cousin, Rosi. I wish I could see her more often. We would have lots of fun together!

Is is possible for me to BE any cuter??!!

It is a good thing both Auntie Hea and Auntie Mandy have cell phones. I need to stay connected with my people at all times...and they help make that happen.

My aunties took me to get my picture taken for Mother's Day. They bought me this cool shirt for the photo shoot. Of course they couldn't resist taking some of their own photos when we got home.

My aunties are so wacky! They always make me laugh when we hang out. I love when they come and take me for the day. We have such fun adventures!!

My aunties have the coolest coffee table! I love to climb under and slide on my belly. I think they got it just for me to play on!!!