Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Own "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Mommy and my aunties took me to the park for some fun before my nap. I think they were trying to tire me out, but I did a better job tiring them out first!

Up the stairs and down the slide...over and over again! I could do this all day if they would let me. I love the way the static in the slide makes my hair stand straight up. It shows how far I have come with growing a full head of hair!!!

To precious for words! That is what my mommy says. I stop for a pose for Auntie Hea peaking out a port hole in the Pirates Ship.

Aunt Mandy decides to join the fun and pose for a picture too. Aren't we a cute pair?

While playing around on the front of my "ship", I pose for another picture. The camera loves me!! My paparazzi follow me everywhere, but I don't mind.

They started me out on the "baby" swing, but by the end, I talked them into the Big-Boy swing! I can do it all by myself. I just need a little push...but not too big!!

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