Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas To One and All!!!

I love Christmas!! I got to see my aunties TWO days in a row. My Grandma Burnell made me this outfit for my first "Big Boy" Christmas. It came with a jacket too, but I am on the move so much...I had to take it off. Thank you Grandma!!!

Here I am in the full outfit! Don't I look so cute? I know I have said it before, but I AM ADORABLE!!! (I don't really know what that means, but my mommy and aunties say it quite a bit!)

My Grandma Burnell also made me this cool farm with all of the animals.

I really started to get the hang of this opening presents thing!! Sometimes my mommy had to help me though.

My Grandma and Grandpa Ebert got me this great toy for Christmas! I love to flip the lids up and then push them back down again. It took awhile to get my attention away from this toy to finish opening the rest of my presents.

My mommy and daddy got me this toy to play with. It is the perfect size for me. I like to run back and forth in the living room and watch the bear bang on the drum. My mommy and daddy know just what I like!!

My Great Grandma Boge got me this cozy sweatsuit for Christmas. It is days like this that I wish I could dress myself.

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