Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa

My Grandpa Boge and Grandma Cindy came out to see me all the way from Michigan!! I was shy at first because I wasn't feeling very well. But I warmed up fast because they were FUN!

My Grandpa Boge played blocks with me while he was here. Even though I was sick, I like playing with my Grandpa Boge. I wish he would come visit me more often!

My nose was super runny while I was sick. But Grandpa Boge had a really soft hanky that he used to get my runny nose. It was much softer than the scratchy tissues my Aunt Mandy uses!

I love my Grandpa Boge and my mommy! I had so much fun. Now I know what they are talking about when they say I have "Boge eyes".

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