Friday, December 22, 2006

More Fun with the People I Love!!

I love it when my Aunt Mandy comes to visit me. Even when I am in a bad mood, she cheers me up. I love to give people "five"...although sometimes I get so excited it ends up being "ten"!

My mommy is so funny. I really like playing with her and having my mommy time. My parents are really fun to play with.

My mommy knows just where to tickle me. She can make me laugh without even tickling me. Just seeing her hand coming towards me makes me giggle!

I know it is ridiculous how cute I am. All I have to do is flash my dimples and I can get anything I want. My Auntie Hea was not excited about my outfit when she came over. She is a Colts fan with some guy named Peyton. But once I smiled...she forgot all about my shirt!

My Grandma Burnell made me a cool John Deere Hat for Christmas. It fits perfect!!!

Sometimes I have very important phone calls that I have to take. I was in the middle of playing with my mom when I got a phone call I couldn't pass up. It is difficult being in such high demand all the time.

I like to carry about my mommy and daddy's shoes. My dad has really big shoes, so it is easier to carry around my mom's shoes.

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