Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas To One and All!!!

I love Christmas!! I got to see my aunties TWO days in a row. My Grandma Burnell made me this outfit for my first "Big Boy" Christmas. It came with a jacket too, but I am on the move so much...I had to take it off. Thank you Grandma!!!

Here I am in the full outfit! Don't I look so cute? I know I have said it before, but I AM ADORABLE!!! (I don't really know what that means, but my mommy and aunties say it quite a bit!)

My Grandma Burnell also made me this cool farm with all of the animals.

I really started to get the hang of this opening presents thing!! Sometimes my mommy had to help me though.

My Grandma and Grandpa Ebert got me this great toy for Christmas! I love to flip the lids up and then push them back down again. It took awhile to get my attention away from this toy to finish opening the rest of my presents.

My mommy and daddy got me this toy to play with. It is the perfect size for me. I like to run back and forth in the living room and watch the bear bang on the drum. My mommy and daddy know just what I like!!

My Great Grandma Boge got me this cozy sweatsuit for Christmas. It is days like this that I wish I could dress myself.

Friday, December 22, 2006

More Fun with the People I Love!!

I love it when my Aunt Mandy comes to visit me. Even when I am in a bad mood, she cheers me up. I love to give people "five"...although sometimes I get so excited it ends up being "ten"!

My mommy is so funny. I really like playing with her and having my mommy time. My parents are really fun to play with.

My mommy knows just where to tickle me. She can make me laugh without even tickling me. Just seeing her hand coming towards me makes me giggle!

I know it is ridiculous how cute I am. All I have to do is flash my dimples and I can get anything I want. My Auntie Hea was not excited about my outfit when she came over. She is a Colts fan with some guy named Peyton. But once I smiled...she forgot all about my shirt!

My Grandma Burnell made me a cool John Deere Hat for Christmas. It fits perfect!!!

Sometimes I have very important phone calls that I have to take. I was in the middle of playing with my mom when I got a phone call I couldn't pass up. It is difficult being in such high demand all the time.

I like to carry about my mommy and daddy's shoes. My dad has really big shoes, so it is easier to carry around my mom's shoes.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa

My Grandpa Boge and Grandma Cindy came out to see me all the way from Michigan!! I was shy at first because I wasn't feeling very well. But I warmed up fast because they were FUN!

My Grandpa Boge played blocks with me while he was here. Even though I was sick, I like playing with my Grandpa Boge. I wish he would come visit me more often!

My nose was super runny while I was sick. But Grandpa Boge had a really soft hanky that he used to get my runny nose. It was much softer than the scratchy tissues my Aunt Mandy uses!

I love my Grandpa Boge and my mommy! I had so much fun. Now I know what they are talking about when they say I have "Boge eyes".

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just another manic Monday...

Aunt Mandy and auntie Hea bought me
these neat haulin' trucks. I like to haul
all kinds of things...spoons, blocks,
momma's keys...

I'm getting better at feeding myself, I'm so glad my mom and dad keep letting me practice...I'm gonna need alot of practice!

I love bananas!!

I don't know if you can see it very well, but some of my food ends up in my hair...I'm not sure how it gets there though, I think momma puts it there when I'm not paying attention.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A Ride on the Carousel

Aunt Mandy and Auntie Hea took me to the Carousel at Jantzen Beach to ride around and around. I wasn't too sure about it, but Aunt Mandy seemed to enjoy it. I was too interested in everything else around me. I love to people watch!!!

Safety First!!! My aunties are so careful when they take me out to play. They made me put on a seatbelt, even though the horse never really moved. I didn't have the heart to tell them that we were just moving around in a circle, but my horse NEVER MOVED!!!

After awhile, I got the hang of it and it was really fun. I love spending time with my aunties. I don't care what we do. After the ride, they let me walk around the mall and do more people watching. I love to walk around and talk to all the people that are there just to see ME!!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Feeding Myself

My mom is letting me work on feeding myself like a Big Boy! This stuff is easy. I love all the home-made treats my mom makes for me.

Wait! I can do it myself. Just give me some time...

What? Do you think you could do any better?

I did such a good job! I think I got most of it in my mouth. Well...maybe a little on my shirt...and some on my chin...perhaps some ended up in my hair. I am such a big boy!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

Alex chose to be a monkey this year. Maybe next year he will actually get to leave the house to go out "Trick or Treating". Although he didn't seem to mind all of the people coming to his house to see him in his outfit.

My Aunt Mandy came to visit me for Halloween. She loves to kiss my face, especially when I am looking so cute in my monkey costume.

My auntie Hea also came to see me. She loves to tickle me and make me laugh. I love it when my aunties come to see me. They are so much fun to play with.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Perfect Day at the Pumpkin Patch

Mom, aunt Mandy and auntie Hea took me to Sauvie Island just before Halloween to pick out some pumpkins. While we were there I got to see lots of baby animals, I really liked the calf.

I also really liked the apple cider!!

We went on a hayride, I had so much fun (the wagon was being pulled by John Deere, my favorite tractor)!!

Aunt Mandy and auntie Hea had fun chasing me around the pumpkin patch...I sure can give those girls a run for their money, but sometimes I let them catch me.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

An Outing at the Zoo

I took auntie Hea and aunt Mandy to the Oregon Zoo. I loved the sheep!!

As always I had to pose for a few minutes for some 'glamore shots.'

another posed shot on a saddle...I had a hard time sitting still, too much too see.

We were watching the elephants eat, I didn't really know what to think of them...they were huge!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday

YUM!! I love mom's white cake with chocolate icing. I want to have a birthday more often!

Yeah I made a mess of my cake! I did better this time around though. My first cake was all over my hair (well, what little I have). I love my mommy and daddy. Birthdays are great.

I am such a big boy. I am 1 year old!!

Saturday, October 7, 2006

My First Birthday (Take 1)!!

My mom made me a John Deere Tractor cake. I love John Deere because that is where my grandpa works. When I grow up, I want to be just like him!!

This is a picture of my dad, my mom and me. They are the best parents ever. Everybody had to wear a birthday hat at my party. I had so much fun!

Mom and Dad's friends, Mike and Carrie, came to my party as well. They are fun to play with too. Mike looks a little embarrassed to be in that birthday hat, but he took it well.

My aunt Mandy was so excited to be at my party. She brings me presents all the time. I love my aunt Mandy. Finally we have a picture where she is not sucking my dimples off my face!!

It took me a bit to figure out what I was supposed to do. But once I tried a taste of my cake, I picked the whole piece up and just shoved it in my mouth. YUM!!!

By the time I was done, I had cake all over my face, my hands, my shirt.........

....and even in my hair!! It was straight to the bath for me. But we don't need to see pictures of that on my blog!